We Have The Bonus Points

Usually a contact with a member of the Noise Blankers Radio Group isn’t worth the paper the QSL is printed on. But for one day, one glorious day set aside for the Arkansas QSO Party, you can get 200 bonus points for talking to us. Just work our club station WR5P on September 13, 2014, then submit those beautiful bonus points with your log. You can also get bonus points for working AA5AR, the ARKAN club station.

Just make sure you log the QSO with the correct state (AR) and exchange. FYI – here are some of the proposed but REJECTED Arkansas QSO Party exchanges:

  • Signal report, serial number and the last two digits of the year you bought your first pair of shoes [REJECTED]
  • Signal report, serial number and the number of cousins you slept with [REJECTED]
  • Signal report, serial number and the number of teeth you have left [REJECTED]
  • Signal report, serial number and the number of shoeless people at Aunt Gert’s funeral down by the crick [REJECTED] 

To recap:


  • Log our state as AK. This ain’t the Alaska QSO Party.


  • Work WR5P in the Arkansas (AR) QSO Party
  • Collect 200 beautiful bonus points
  • Visit www.arkqp.com for complete rules.


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